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- Stepper Motor Driver Module TMC2226 can replace TMC2209 V2.0 completely with its all feat features, but cheaper than it.
- 【Product Features】①Large heat sink,good heat dissipation.②The motor controlled by the PWM chopping mode runs smoothly to avoid fluctuations. ③StealthChop can drive the motor to work in super silent conditions.④Support infinite position return to zero function ⑤Set the UART mode by setting the jumper cap, no welding drive is required. And with UARI pins for easy diy soldering.
- 【Notification】Be sure to do the heat dissipation work before the driving work (heat sink and cooling fan), and when inserting the driver into the motherboard, pay attention to the direction of the driver. Do not insert it backwards to prevent the driver from being burned.
- Any other features about, please kindly check the product details